On Monday, members of Maryland companies providing service and support to the offshore wind industry met at Representative Andy Harris’ office in Washington, DC to discuss the benefits of Offshore Wind (OSW) for the state. Legislative Director for Rep. Andy Harris, Travis Trejo, met with the group to review the benefits and economic impacts that OSW can have on Marylanders. There was an open discussion about the perceptions and concerns of Ocean City residents including that the states to our north and south reap tremendous benefits from OSW. The goal was to ask for a reconsideration of the Congressman’s position in light of the economic opportunities and environmental benefits of clean energy and sustainability that OSW presents. We believe the meeting was a step towards building a relationship with Rep. Andy Harris and the offshore wind industry. Those in attendance, pictured from L to R, included Matt Drew, InSight Build, Justin Krebs, AKRF, Teaera Strum, Strum Contracting and Lee Connor, Chairman, John S. Connor Inc. and Travis Trejo.